Set Your Compass For Success!
Receive and Store Raw Materials from Customers or Suppliers
Receive and Process and Schedule Orders from Customers
Mix Ingredients Precisely to Customer’s Specifications
Fill Containers to Proper Levels and Apply Caps
Apply or Screen Print Labels on Product Containers
Package Finished Products and Prepare for Shipping
Hold Finished Products in Storage Awaiting Shipping
Ship Finished Goods to Customers or Directly to End Users
Design and Print Logos, Business Cards, and Stationery
Sign, Poster and Banner Design, Layout and Printing
Advertising Layout, Photography and Printing
Graphics for Web Sites and Television
Complete Web Site Design and Maintenance
Screen Print Labels Directly on Product Containers
Design and Print Standard or Vinyl Adhesive Labels
Complete Radio, Video and Television Studio Production
Participate in Industry Trade Shows and Promotional Events
Participate with Customers on Special Sales Promotions
Provide Sales Planning and Management Programs
Provide Sales Performance Measuring Programs
Provide Sources for Specialty Sales Incentive Items
Assist with Product Improvement Ideas and Innovations
Work with Customers to Develop Free Publicity Campaigns
Provide Customers with Record Keeping and Bookkeeping Services
Help Customers Organize Business and Management Plans
Counsel Customers on Financing and Financial Planning
Share Current Industry Information and Trends
Help Customers Locate Sources for Financial Assistance
Maintain Raw Materials and Finished Goods Inventory Records
Provide Customers with Income Tax Counseling and Tax Preparation
Years of Experience
Square Feet
Dedicated Workers